On June 26th, 2018 Dave Morgan's band Morganisation releases a new EP called Highland as digital download at a price of 6.29 Euro - available under www.musicglue.com/morganisation-3/shop.
In addtion there are 20 (!) "real" CDs, that will be available for super-fans. To get one of them please contact mandy@scottmorgan.co.uk
On Highland there are the following tracks:
The first two tracks have already been released on the Bubbles-album, except now they have been remixed and remastered. Still, Eyes of Lochaber und Not in Narnia are completely new songs.
Big Brown Sky is a nice rocking track, whereas Gibraltar Farm seems rather insignficant.
Still with it's acoustic guitar reminds a little of the Morgan-album. Dave shares lead vocals on this one with Canadian singer Alyssa Smillie.
In Winter 2017/2018 Dave lived in Scotland, which inspired Eyes of Lochaber.
The best track on the EP is Not in Narnia. It's the singe off the EP, has a great hookline and is therefore quite catchy.
Letzte Änderung: 20.06.2018